Troy Dolan, the village of Johnson’s water and light foreman, has resigned effective March 31 after suffering what he called a year’s worth of threats that were not taken seriously by some village trustees.

“Beginning in May 2021 and as recently as this month statements have been made that I perceive as threats against me and my family. As a result of these statements, my family and I have endured months of severe stress, anxiety and trauma. All this is made worse by my belief that some village trustees have not taken these threats seriously. On multiple occasions, I have felt some trustees have deemed my concern for my safety to be unimportant,” Dolan told the News & Citizen.

(1) comment

Concerned resident

Why did a village trustee release HR documents to a citizen? It would appear this document was covered under executive sessions if the village lawyer said it can’t be released. As far as workplace violence goes why we’re some members of the trustees thinking the Union had final say. The Vermont OSHA program has final determination on what is deemed as a hostile work environment regarding potential violence in the workplace. Was VOSHA ever contacted ?

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